Is it true that women can also experience wet dreams?
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
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Wet dreams are more common during adolescence because they are going through some major hormonal changes that affect sexual maturity.
But adults can also have erotic dreams – especially if they are sexually active.
The fact is surprising, apparently, this is not only experienced by men. In fact, women can also experience a passion while in a dream nature.
In fact, research shows that most women have wet dreams before they are 21 years old.
And again, according to a 1986 study published in the Journal of Sex Research, 37 percent of college-age women reportedly experienced at least one orgasm during their sleep.
It shows us that women's wet dreams are not new.
However, it should be emphasized that women are not necessarily orgasms from wet dreams. For men, they will know that they have had an orgasm during sleep because they will find semen in their clothes or sheets.
But, for a woman, the presence of vaginal discharge does not mean you have an orgasm. Conversely, secretions can mean you're sexually aroused without reaching an orgasm.
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