7 natural foods for flu prevention more effectively
Sunday, July 21, 2019
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Not a few of us have ever suffered from flu or colds and immediately consume flu-relief drugs. It is certainly legitimate that you do. Because of the fact, flu-reliever drugs are a powerful relief of flu that is being suffered.
However, there are a variety of natural foods that also prove potent to ward off the flu more effectively. Here are 7 natural foods to prevent the flu more effectively:
- Orange. This is one of the fruits that proves effective to prevent flu or colds. Citrus fruits contain antioxidant sources. The source of antioxidants especially vitamin C in this fruit is very effective to ward off flu viruses or common cold. Have you to provide fruits especially citrus fruits on your dining table...???.
- Red wine. In addition to citrus fruits, red wine is also shown to prove potent flu virus. This is because, red wine contains resveratrol and polyphenols that function to strengthen the body's endurance and inhibit the development of flu virus that enters the body.
- Ginger. Other natural foods that are shown to effectively ward off the flu virus are ginger. Some people utilize ginger as a warm drink to warm the body. Ginger has a sesquiterpenes content that serves to attack and turn off the flu virus that enters the body.
- Garlic. You certainly know about yaing garlic is one of the spices that is often used to spice the kitchen. Garlic contains an antiseptic compound that serves to ward off viruses and bacteria including the flu virus that causes colds.
- Honey. Everyone knows honey as one of the healthiest healthy drinks of the body. Honey has a source of polyphenols as well as probiotics, both of these natural ingredients are also shown to be potent to resist flu viruses.
- Chicken soup. When the rainy season or the weather is so cold, a bowl of chicken soup is very fitting to warm your body. In addition, various ingredients in chicken soup such as various vegetables and chickens are also able to strengthen the body resistance of flu attacks.
- Yogurt. Yogurt is also very effective in preventing flu viruses. This is because yogurt contains a good bacteria called Lactobacillus reuteri that serves to prevent the proliferation of flu viruses.
Hopefully health tips reviewing 7 natural foods that prevent the flu more effectively can be beneficial to the reader. End word, warm greetings from the author.
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