Garlic for Yeast Infection in Miss V, Is It Dangerous?
Friday, April 26, 2019
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A myth circulating that mention insert cloves and garlic into Miss V will help overcome a yeast infection. However, in fact it is not an effective treatment and can be dangerous.
An OBGYN, sex experts, a health columnist for the New York Times, and author of The Vagina Bible Dr. Jennifer Gunter trying to straighten it so that Miss V remains healthy.
Gunter told me at least twice a month got patients who tell try how to treat yourself with garlic. When using garlic this way there is no research.
In other words there is no science that supports that putting a piece of garlic in vagina will cure a yeast infection. There is little science that says garlic has anti-viral properties of yeast in a petri dish. And this differs with that occurs in the vagina.
"And garlic may be dirty. Perhaps because it is a plant that grows in the ground? So, you might start with a yeast infection and ended up with an infection that is worse when you put a foreign object that is not clean there, "Gunter.
Gunter says if you think destroying the onion to release the allicin (organosulfur compound derived from garlic), you should know that garlic juice can be hot, especially in sensitive skin areas (which have recovered from yeast infections) and crushed garlic is very difficult to removed from your personal section.
"And garlic can eliminate your vaginal environment balance, " he writes Scary mommy was quoted as saying.
We suggest that garlic is consumed
According to him, many women are diagnosing themselves infected with yeast and think garlic can handle. This could be because there is some evidence that garlic nature of anti-yeast-and since many yeast infection diagnosed by yourself or lost themselves. In addition, they can just enjoy the placebo effect, and not the pleasure of a home remedy.
"Also because topical cream garlic is sometimes used to treat external fungal infections such as athlete's foot. But please note, they are allowed only for external use. "
Gunter said as it is not proven to treat, it can be painful, and can cause complications such as infections, should stop the practice of treatment of yeast infection with garlic.
"If the science doesn't support it, don't. Your vagina is a balance of good bacteria and yeast and all sorts of things: only use medicines that are deemed safe by your doctor. "
If you must make use of garlic and allicin, try eaten alone. This innocuous rather than put it into your vagina. If that doesn't work, the garlic was delicious, and there are no side effects unless you are eating excess amounts.
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