7 simple tips to prevent a heart disease for teenagers
Thursday, July 18, 2019
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Here are 7 simple tips to prevent a heart disease for teenagers:
- Start exercising. In fact, not least of the teenagers are not excited to exercise in the morning. Start building new habits, waking up early and exercising for about 30 minutes each morning.
- Stop smoking. In fact, not a few of the teenagers in our living environment are getting used to suck cigarettes. For this reason, it is necessary to be self-conscious to start quitting smoking without always being reminded of a variety of adverse effects to health including your heart organs.
- Control your body weight. Overweight or obese in adolescents is very susceptible and is at great risk of developing heart disease when they enter adulthood. In addition, the risk of type 2 diabetes can also threaten overweight adolescents (obesity).
- Fulfill healthy dietary needs. Teenagers should start regularly consuming a variety of fruits and greens. This is because, both types of foods contain a variety of nutrients and vitamins for the body and keep the heart to stay healthy.
- Always on. Teenagers should begin to reduce their habitual sedentary habits for too long as they sit on a computer or simply watch a television show. The solution, start to walk out the room about 15 minutes after sitting for approximately 45 minutes.
- Reduce salt consumption. In this case. Teenagers should be able to control the level of salt consumption that goes into his body. One of the Satnnya is to note about the salt content of the food labels to be consumed plus reduce to consume various processed foods that are high in salt
- Stress level control. Problems that befall teenagers are very likely to increase the risk of stress that can reduce the health of the body and heart. For that reason, use your holiday time to visit new places you've never visited before.
Hopefully health tips that review 7 simple tips to prevent adolescent heart disease can be beneficial to the reader. End word, warm greetings from the author.
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