Laziness can make you are prone to Parkinson's in old age
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
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Parkinson's can now be suffered by anyone, regardless of gender, age, and race. Health Ministry Data mentions, one in 250 people aged 40 years and above, can be subject to Parkinson's. While one in 600 people over 65 years of age, can suffer the disease.
At first, a patient would complain of difficult motion and stiff muscles. In addition, tremor also becomes one of the symptoms that are worth suspected.
As for Parkinson's cause, it turns out to be trivial. You are often lazy of motion or lazy sports in everyday life, it can slow down the work of dopamine cells.
"Well, Parkinson's happened because of lack of dopamine. Usually, people often lazy. As a result, patients experience stiffness, sudden hands or feet, and impaired balance, "said neurologist Dr. Frandy Susatia, SpS at Siloam Hospital Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, recently.
To remove these symptoms, said Dr. Frandy, the patient will perform several stages of treatment. The first step is given oral medication after consultation with the neurologist, the patient can be injected Botox into the muscles until later it is recommended for brain stimulation surgery.
In the long run, the three types of treatment there are less and more. For example if the patient is given medication but not effective, surgery should be performed brain stimulation.
It is the standard of Parkinson's healing that facilitates patient healing. In fact, this action has already acknowledged the U.S. Food Drug Administration long ago.
Neurosurgeon Dr. Made Agus Mahendra Inggas, SpBS explains, when Parkinson's patients undergo brain stimulation surgery, greatly allowing the dopamine cells to be aroused well. Once the cells are working optimally, treatment is continued with medications to be more effective.
"Many Parkinson patients successfully perform surgery. Symptoms such as tremor, muscle stiffness, until the difficult motion was lost after surgery, "said Dr Made.
Quite complicated is the method of brain stimulation surgery. Later in the patient's body will be done planting electrodes or chips in one part of the brain. It is then connected with cables and batteries or known as neurostimulators, which will be installed in the chest area. Although installed chips, the safety level is assured.
When installing the tool, connect Dr Made, the patient should be in a conscious state. After that, doctors program the tool so that the patient can return to be able to move shortly after surgery.
"This operation is considered to improve the patient's quality of life. Who used to feel good because of tremor or lying yearly in bed, after doing the action can be directly normal activities, "says Dr Made.
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