Who Say Children Should Be Actively Moving Since Toddlers
Monday, April 29, 2019
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The WHO States that by doing more active pursuits, the toddler will get sleep quality as well as the healthy growing better.
"Early childhood is a period of rapid development and the period in which the pattern of family life could be adjusted to encourage the improvement of health, " said the WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. as quoted from the official page, who.int on Monday (29/4/2019).
Experts assess that increasing physical activity, reducing the time not moving, and ensure the quality of sleep in children will enhance the physical, mental, health, and their well-being. Fiona Bull, programme manager for surveillance and population-based prevention of noncommunicable diseases WHO adds, actively moving also prevents obesity at a young age and other issues at a later date.
Based on the records of the WHO, 5 million deaths globally occur due to less physical activity. This occurs in all ages.
More than 23 percent of adults and 80 percent of teenagers not quite physically active. Management pattern of active living, sedentary, and habit of sleep must be established early on in order to make children accustomed to adult.
"That really we need to do is return the game to kids, " said Dr. Juana Willumsen from WHO, which focuses on obesity and physical activity.
Some of that can be done is to replace the use of screen time with games that are more active. Parents should also be set up so that your child's bedtime.
In addition, if passive activities, children can do interactive activities that do not use the screen, gadget, or electronic goods such as reading, storytelling, singing, and puzzle games.
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