What Is A Good Diet When Consumed Honey? This Explanation Of The Expert

Honey is believed to have many benefits for the body

Almost all people would never taste the honey. Honey comes from bees believed to have myriad benefits to the human body. Then how to diet experts responses about the benefits of honey?

Diet experts based in Philadelphia, United States (USA) Jenni Friedman describes honey contains a number of vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, enzymes, amino acids, and flavonoids. It's all well been a differentiator between honey with sugar. Based on his research, honey is also closely related to the improvement of the intestinal microbial balance, coughing, and other respiratory conditions.

But according to Friedman consumes honey the same as consuming lots of calories. For people who are undergoing the process of diet or weight loss are advised should offset the honey with full of nutrition.

Drug and food Supervisory Agency (FDA), the U.S. recently also requires food labels to write down the type of sugar in particular. For example, by calling the extra sugar or sugar added when food is processed or prepared. Although honey is derived from a natural source, honey is still a sugar extra such as corn syrup or cane sugar.

 "Many people feel better when they read labels see honey composed of food, instead of sugar. But dear in the long run, sugar, and honey its effect is the same for the body,  "says he was quoted as saying of the Time.

Important honey consumed in moderation, for example, consumed one tablespoon. Honey that much, according to Friedman, has about 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar. Therefore man should keep an extra daily sugar intake, consuming a maximum of 100 calories a day for women and 150 calories a day for men.

Quality honey is honey, dark, light, organic, raw, and filtered. Up to now, there are more than 300 varieties of honey.

"Variation refers to honey derived from which, basically the kinds of flowers are eaten bees. The color, flavor, and the content of major nutrients honey all depending on the nectar used bees,  "said he.

Dieticians of Priceless & Wellness Consultant in New York, Meredith Price, rate the same honey with sugar. The American Heart Association recommend limits on additional sugar about six teaspoons per day for women and about nine teaspoons per day for men. But the average U.S. adult consumes about two to three times more than this.

 "Consumes excess amounts of sugar have been implicated in causing an increase in weight and an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, " says Price.

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