Fasting Ramadan lowers the risk of Diabetes
Monday, May 13, 2019
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The science lecturer of Esa Unggul University, Nadiyah S. Gz M.Si CSRS revealed, physiologically the condition of the body that does not fast (eating normally) has increased the formation of deposits of energy sources. The carbohydrates consumed are stored as glycogen in the muscles, and the excess is stored in the form of fat in the body tissues.
Conversely occurring in the body while fasting is the supply of glucose stored in the form of depleted glycogen and the nervous system eventually relies on the glucose formed from the glycerol (part of fat) as well as the amino acids (part of the protein), which Called the process of gluconeogenesis (new glucose formation).
"However, since the number of both sources (glycerol and amino acids) is very limited to the process of gluconeogenesis, the body obtains an energy source from the ketone compounds through a process called ketogenesis that occurs in the liver. From the liver, this ketone compound will be used as a source of energy for the brain and muscles as we fast, "said Nadiyah, in the written description received, Tuesday (7/5/2019).
What about the hormone changes while fasting? He explained that when the body is not fasting, the dominant insulin hormone increases, while the fasting body, the glucagon hormone rises. The effect of increasing the hormone glucagon is increased breakdown of fats from fatty tissues to be converted into ketone compounds in the liver and then sent to various organs in the body as a source of energy.
In addition, he continued, decreasing insulin levels while fasting leads to increased growth hormone that is important for growth, for healthy body metabolism, for muscle strength and weight loss.
Nadiyah emphasized fasting on Ramadan is a month of insulin-filled holiday. Fasting is able to increase the sensitivity of the body cells to insulin/decrease insulin resistance thereby lowering the risk of a person experiencing diabetes.
"Research shows the fasting is more effective in losing weight and effectively lowers the risk of diabetes disease compared to undergoing a dietary restriction on calorie intake," he said.
Another research, said Nadiyah, fasting for 12 hours a day for 1 month significantly lowers inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation of the body causes the body to be susceptible to heart disease and cancer.
Basic health Research 2018 shows that the prevalence of uncontagious diseases in Indonesia has increased compared to Riskesdas 2013, such as cancer, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. Cancer prevalence rises from 1.4 percent (Riskesdas 2013) to 1.8 percent, diabetes mellitus rises from 6.9 percent to 8.5 percent and hypertension rises from 25.8 percent to 34.1 percent.
Research on 110 people who are obese show significant fasting of lowering blood pressure, blood triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Research on animals shows fasting being able to delay cell aging/aging and extend lifespan.
"The benefits of fasting will certainly be sustain if we are able to manage the diet when breaking and Suhur. Beginning with the way we open a good and wise, not excessive, "said Nadiyah.
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