Beware of Obesity Even Though No Body Fat, What Is Its?
Monday, April 29, 2019
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Body fat but not belly is known as central obesity
Obesity during this identical to the ones that have a very fat body. In fact, people who do not seem plumper can also be categorized as obese if you have stomach or belly. Obesity as it was known as central obesity.Central obesity occurs when a buildup of excess fat around the stomach. Central obesity can occur even though a person has a body shape that is not so fat.
"Could be just the body posture is not too fat, but protruding (big-bellied seahorses), " bright disease specialists in the medical faculty of University of Indonesia Dicky Levenus Tahapary. To find out if someone is experiencing Central obesity or not, can do a simple examination of waist circumference.
Men can be said Central obese if you have a waist circumference above 90 cm. Females can be said Central obese if you have a waist circumference over 80 cm.
Dicky says measuring waist circumference is also important because it can give you an idea of the fat that accumulates in the abdominal visceral fat aka. Visceral fat between the organs of the abdomen has a relatively more impact than subcutaneous fat which is located under the skin.
According to Dicky assessment of obesity needs to be based on two things, namely body mass index and abdominal circumference. People who have an ideal body mass index will need to keep their waistline nor is excess so avoid obesity. "So if normal BMI does not happy just yet, see her belly ring, " said Dicky
The problem of obesity needs to be a concern because of the numbers of obesity in Indonesia is still quite high. If you see an indicator of obesity with a body mass index above 25, then the prevalence of obesity in Indonesia in 2018 reached 35.4 percent. While the prevalence of Central obesity in the population aged over 15 years in Indonesia in 2018 reached 31 percent.
"One out of three people are obese or obese. This very large numbers,"says Dicky.
Central obesity or obesity are not resolved may culminate in a variety of complications or a more serious disease. Some of these are a stroke, depression, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, infertility, and some types of cancer.
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