Best Exercises to Eliminate Belly Fat
Friday, April 26, 2019
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There is no shortcut to eliminate belly fat.

A lot of people who want to eliminate belly fat but the confusion with the most appropriate exercises to achieve the target. Their difficulty choosing between HIIT, strength training, cardio, or CrossFit.
In fact, there are no shortcuts to create a flatter stomach. According to experts, to make belly fat is shrinking, people have to reduce fat levels in her body as a whole. Not shrink belly fat with different speeds regardless of the type of exercise performed.
"We cannot target the reduction of fat in one part of the body only, " is obviously an expert sports performance, Alex Harrison, PhD, CSCS as reported by Popsugar, Monday.
Alex explains to achieve weight loss in the short term, i.e. within a few weeks or a month, people are free to choose between cardio or lifting weights. The benefits of exercise that will still be felt.
"Weight training is almost certainly better because Your muscle mass increase and its ability to continue to burn more calories at rest," he said.
Strength training more okay than cardio also because of its potential to burn fat and muscle. Alex reveals, to lose body fat and maintain or build muscle without fat, one must diligently practice the power.
"For people who are very disciplined, I would suggest they are lifting weights six days a week and cardio exercises lightly on one day's rest," said Alex who are experts in the field of Physiology and sports performance.
For people who are more busy, Alex recommends to lift weights four days a week and do a full body workout. To lose body fat, one must achieve ideal weight and have to do strength training at least twice a week.
Exercise what Alex recommend? He suggested a joint exercise which involved lots of muscle movement and seized a lot of energy.
"Exercises like barbell back squats, dead lifts, walking lunges, bench press and pull-ups are examples of joint exercises," he said.
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