Psoriasis in the Scalp Can Cause Rapid Hair Loss and Itching

Psoriasis not can only occur on the outside of the elbow, knee, or nails, but can also appear on the scalp. Types of psoriasis are causing the head feels very dry and itchy. Not only that, but your hair also tends to be more rapid loss due to the effects of psoriasis of the scalp. How come, huh?

What is psoriasis of the scalp?

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), as many as 50 percents of people who have psoriasis in any body part susceptible psoriasis of the scalp. This means that, once you are exposed to psoriasis, whether it's on the elbows, knees, or nails, then you are also at risk of psoriasis-affected in the head.

Scalp psoriasis is often mistaken with dandruff since both are equally lead to an itchy scalp. But if the note further, the symptoms of dandruff and psoriasis are very different.

Psoriasis has a distinctive symptom, i.e., thickened skin, red, and scaly. Psoriasis in the scalp will generally feel itchy, sore, and even felt the heat. Not only occur in the scalp, but psoriasis can also spread to the forehead, back of the neck, to the area around the ears.

Why is psoriasis can make hair loss?

Offered from WebMD, psoriasis of the scalp itself actually does not cause hair loss. You are the habits that caused it.

You will normally be tempted to scratch their head when it feels itchy. Rather than relieve the itch, it is thus aggravating the itch in the head. Even unwittingly, these habits are causing your hair loss is temporary.

The process of changing the cells of the body, including the scalp, in healthy people usually take about one month. But in people with psoriasis, this process only occurs within a few days. Although at first glance looks favorable, the regeneration of skin cells too quickly thus causing skin so accumulate and thicken.

The thicker the skin that grows on the head, then his itching will also get stronger. When you scratch the head with hard, this causes the scalp so damaged. As a result, the growth of hair is so distracted and cause hair loss.

But don't worry just yet. The good news, hair loss due to scalp psoriasis is only temporary. Your hair will grow long after the scalp clean of psoriasis.

How to fix hair loss due to psoriasis

Though only temporary, you certainly don't want your hair loss is ongoing, isn't it? Quiet, there are a number of tips that you can do to cope with hair loss due to psoriasis, among them:

1. Use conditioner

Conditioner or conditioner is very important for sufferers of psoriasis of the scalp. Because hair care products, this one can be damming the scalp, soothing inflammation, and reduce itching due to psoriasis.

In addition, to using conditioner regularly, you are also recommended to use hair products that contain menthol. The thrill of the chill will help reduce pain and inflammation in the scalp.

2. Cream or ointment

There are a number of creams or ointments that can relieve or prevent psoriasis head more and more. Typically, a cream or ointment contains salicylic acid which serves to increase the humidity and help lift the scales of psoriasis of the scalp.

Here is some remedies psoriasis from doctor containing salicylic acid, among them:

  1. Anthralin, to normalize skin growth and eliminate psoriasis scales.
  2. Antimicrobial, to prevent bacterial infection or a fungus that could aggravate the symptoms of psoriasis.
  3. Calcipotriene, a derivative of vitamin d. Vitamin D plays an important role in improving the immune system and treating psoriasis.
  4. Steroid creams.
  5. Tazarotene, a derivative of vitamin a. Vitamin A serves to accelerate the growth of skin cells in the head.

Not only does this cream is applied to the hair, but also apply to the scalp so that the roots of the hair so it's stronger. Use regularly for 8 weeks or more to recover from your scalp psoriasis.

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